Viewing Spring Cloud API Gateway Routes with Spring Boot Actuator

In this tutorial you will learn how to enable and how to view Spring Cloud API Gateway Routes using Spring Boot Actuator.

Developers use Actuator to enable API Gateway routes in order to keep track of the routes being used in their application. By exposing these routes through Actuator endpoints, developers can get valuable information about how well their API gateway is performing and how it’s behaving.

Actuator provides lots of information about your application’s state, such as how healthy it is and various metrics. This allows you to easily monitor the usage of your API gateway routes and make adjustments to improve their performance.  Additionally, by securing Actuator endpoints, you can protect sensitive information about your application from unauthorized access.

So let’s begin and learn how to enable and view Spring Cloud API Gateway routes using Spring Boot Actuator.

1. Add Actuator to your Spring Cloud API Gateway

First, you need to add Actuator to your Spring Cloud API Gateway project. This can be done by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml or build.gradle file:


implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'



This will add the Actuator module to your project and provide you with various endpoints to monitor and manage your application.

2. Enable Spring Cloud API Gateway Routes

To enable the gateway endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator, add the following configuration to your file:


Alternatively, you can use the following YAML configuration:

      enabled: true

This will enable the gateway endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator.

3. Expose API Gateway Routes

To expose the gateway endpoint over HTTP, add the following configuration to your file:


Alternatively, you can use the following YAML configuration:

        include: health,gateway

This will expose the gateway and health endpoints over HTTP so that they can be accessed by external clients.

4. Secure Spring Boot Actuator

To secure the Actuator endpoints, you can use Spring Security. However, this is beyond the scope of this tutorial. You can refer to this tutorial for more information on how to secure Actuator endpoints.

Final words

In conclusion, Spring Boot Actuator provides a powerful set of tools for monitoring and managing your Spring Cloud API Gateway project. By enabling and exposing Actuator endpoints, you can gain insight into your application’s health, performance, and other metrics, including your API gateway routes. With just a few simple configuration changes, you can make Actuator endpoints available over HTTP and secure them using Spring Security. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can get started with Spring Boot Actuator and leverage its features to better understand and optimize your Spring Cloud API Gateway project.

To learn more, check out other Spring Cloud tutorials.